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Protective mats Super (frost protection) Protective mats Super (frost protection)
The protective mats SUPER is bothsided coated with a white layer (Summer side) and a black layer (Winter side) Scope of application: Frost protection for Winter (enables concrete work to -5 Degree C without hardness decrease) Evaporation...
Vlies Geotextil Vlies Geotextil
Geotex is a mechanic strengthend fleece to split and filter. Main application is gravel, passably and grassed flat roofs. What can Geotex - fleece? Geotex seperate the particle to allow unhindered drain of water. The fleece prevent, even...
Bauschutzmatte Gummigranulat Breite 1,25 m Bauschutzmatte Gummigranulat Breite 1,25 m
Unsere Bauschutzmatte ist eine Gummimatte, welche in Rollen geliefert und zur Ausführung von schwimmenden Estrichen verwendet wird. Die Verwendung von hoch elastischen Polymerbindemitteln und der spezifischen Auflagefläche ermöglichen...
Bauschutzmatte (Frostschutzmatte) Bauschutzmatte (Frostschutzmatte)
Material: Composite foil made of 100% polypropylene fibre, laminated with UV- stabil Polyethylen (LDPE-foil). The construction foil ist one sided laminated with black foil. Characteristics: tear-resistant and doesn't rot high resistance...
PAE - foil PAE - foil
PAE foil - Other widths and strengths on request. Rated strength less usual tolerance.
Profiled foil T8 Profiled foil T8
Roll length 20 metre. Sturdy and durable protection against mechanical damage. Creates an air layer in front of the existing masonry with pimples (8 mm). The basemant walls can breath and moisture isn'T stuck within the construction....
Noppenfolie T20 Noppenhöhe 20 mm Noppenfolie T20 Noppenhöhe 20 mm
Starke Noppenfolie für den Tief- und Tunnelbau. Breite 2,0 m, Rollenlänge 20 m Breite. Durch das große Volumen der 20 mm hohen Noppen garantiert die Noppenfolie T20 eine ununterbrochene Entwässerung selbst bei größten Wassermengen. Beim...
Bau-Gitterfolie Bau-Gitterfolie
Compensated foil for window. The compensated foil can bear more burden through the grid-construction as standard foils. Features: Transparent, UV-stabilized
Vlies Thermofelt Vlies Thermofelt
Thermofelt is a thermally strengthened fleece to seperate particle and is mainly used by flat roofs. The thermally strength allows piercing and screwing through the fleece without any problem.
Cover profile for dimpled sheet Cover profile for dimpled sheet
Sturdy and durable protection against mechanical damage. Creates an air layer in front of the existing masonry with pimples (10 mm). The basemant walls can breath and moisture isn'T stuck within the construction. Material: HDPE, Fire...
PE wall damp course PE wall damp course
The damp proof courses protect the masonry from rising moisture. Both sides of the material are ripped and increase the liability to the mortar. Material: Polyethylen, slip-resistant; Thickness: ca. 0,4 mm.